For most criminal offences, when a person is arrested and charged by the police one of three things will likely happen:
(1) the person will be released at the scene with a Promise to Appear in court; (2) the person will be taken back to the police station and released with or without conditions; or (3) the person will be held in custody until they are taken to a courthouse for a bail hearing.

For most criminal offences, it is the police who choose whether to hold a person for a bail hearing. Their choice is influenced by certain grounds upon which they must base their decision. If, for example, the police have concerns that an arrested person will continue or repeat the offence or commit other criminal offences then that person will likely be held for a bail hearing.

Contact Owoh Law

If you need an experienced lawyer to get someone you know out of jail, contact I. Michael Owoh for a consultation. Call (416) 804-5923 anytime.